Iarnród Éireann
Our growing team of over 4600 people manage and maintain infrastructure throughout the country to ensure Irelands railways are safe and sustainable, providing a best-in-class public transport service to nearly 150 communities throughout the country. Our rail freight services offer flexible and reliable direct connection with maritime traffic, Iarnród Éireann is the port authority for Rosslare Europort.
46.1 million passenger journeys were made in 2023 across Iarnród Éireann services. This was a significant increase from 35.8 million in 2022 and represents over 92% of pre-Covid demand. Our sustainability strategy targets growth to 80 million passenger journeys by 2030. Key to reaching this goal will be the delivery of some of our Capital Investment projects such as the DART+ Programme which includes new DART fleet with greater accessibility for mobility impaired customers and the trebling of our electrified network. The Cork Area Commuter Rail Programme will transform rail transport in the region with new trains, new stations, and increased rail infrastructure to allow for greater frequency.

Iarnród Éireann committed to supporting careers for women in STEM
A key goal for Iarnród Éireann is to increase female participation in our workforce – railways are historically a male-dominated industry. One of the ways we can do this is to help and encourage more girls with an interest in STEM to see the career paths which exist for them.
Earlier this year Iarnród Éireann sponsored travel for 1,600 students from right around the country to and from Dublin to attend iWish at the RDS. Female role models from across the Iarnród Éireann business including apprentices, graduates, engineers, human resources, environment, and more were on board select trains, and at the iWish event, to engage with students on study/apprenticeship and career choices. CEO Jim Meade had the opportunity to speak at the event about career opportunities and how we are working to support women in Iarnród Éireann. Together with our sister company and fellow transport partner Bus Éireann, over half the event attendees travelled sustainably by public transport to the event.
Iarnród Éireann Try a Trade Week 2024
In March this year Iarnród Éireann Apprentice Development Executive Conor Doolan and his team at the Apprentice Training Centre welcomed over 700 secondary students from across Ireland to Inchicore Railway Works for Try A Trade Week.
Try a Trade is aimed at promoting opportunities for apprenticeships as a post-second level education and career option and works to engage with students who may not have considered such options, particularly with girls and mixed schools.
Over the four days, Try a Trade highlighted railway and public transport career opportunities in areas including Heavy Vehicle Mechanic, Electrician, Fitter and OEM Engineering Technician.